SANTERGO orthopaedic seat cushion - STABLE & COMFORTABLE

Ergonomic seat cushion, coccyx cushion, haemorrhoid cushion, in 4 colors: black, grey, blue, red - and 3 seat hardnesses: SOFT, MEDIUM, HARD

Orthopaedic seat cushion


SANTERGO orthopaedic seat cushion - STABLE & COMFORTABLE

Ergonomic seat cushion, coccyx cushion, haemorrhoid cushion, in 4 colors: black, grey, blue, red - and 3 seat hardnesses: SOFT, MEDIUM, HARD

Orthopaedic seat cushion

SANTERGO Mouse Support

SANTERGO Keyboard Support

WELLNESS IM BÜRO - 50+1 Tipps, die aus Ihrem Büro ein kleines Paradies machen

51 Tipps zu Ergonomie, Effizienz, Organisation & Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, im Büro, Home-Office & wo man sitzend oder stehend am Schreibtisch mit Computer, Notebook, Tastatur, Maus, etc. arbeitet

in Einkaufswagen

Wellness : BIEN-ÊTRE AU BUREAU : 50 + 1 conseils pour transformer votre espace-bureau en un coin de paradis

50 + 1 conseilsincontournables pour travailler plus sainement.
Le tout illustré par le célèbre dessinateur Reinhart Croon.

dans le panier

WELLNESS OP HET WERK - 50+1 tips om van je kantoor een paradijs te maken

50 + 1 niet te missen tips om gezonder te werken.
Alles geïllustreerd door de bekende striptekenaar Reinhart Croon.

in winkelwagen


About Us

SANTERGO offers ergonomic solutions and the means to achieve a higher quality of life.

Customers come from both the private and B2B sectors. These are people who are interested in ergonomic improvements.

SANTERGO’s vision is, on the one hand, to minimize or even eliminate suffering in connection with work at a computer desk. On the other hand, to continuously generate an improvement in the quality of daily life, sports and work.

The SANTERGO brand belongs to the TERGOFIT company, which has its headquarters in Belgium, with representation in Luxembourg and the Netherlands